Azure Policy

Azure Policy and Azure RBAC

Azure Policy ensures that resource state is compliant to your business rules without concern for who made the change or who has permission to make a change. Some Azure Policy resources, such as policy definitionsinitiative definitions, and assignments, are visible to all users. This design enables transparency to all users and services for what policy rules are set in their environment. Q=89/110/575; 90/110/575; 91/111/575; 92/111/575

Azure RBAC focuses on managing user actions at different scopes. If control of an action is required, then Azure RBAC is the correct tool to use. Even if an individual has access to perform an action, if the result is a non-compliant resource, Azure Policy still blocks the create or update.

Quickstart: Create a policy assignment to identify non-compliant resources

  • On the Assign Policy page, set the Scope by selecting the ellipsis and then selecting either a management group or subscription. Optionally, select a resource group. A scope determines what resources or grouping of resources the policy assignment gets enforced on. Q=110/465/575
  • Resources can be excluded based on the ScopeExclusions start at one level lower than the level of the ScopeExclusions are optional, so leave it blank for now Q=110/465/575

Azure RBAC permissions in Azure Policy

Many Built-in roles grant permission to Azure Policy resources. The Resource Policy Contributor role includes most Azure Policy operations. Owner has full rights. Both Contributor and Reader have access to all read Azure Policy operations. Contributor may trigger resource remediation, but can’t create or update definitions and assignments. User Access Administrator is necessary to grant the managed identity on deployIfNotExists or modify assignments necessary permissions. All policy objects will be readable to all roles over the scope. Q=3/37/575